The importance of caring for the cleanliness of horses

The importance of caring for the cleanliness of horses


  • Instructions for clearing and taking care of horses:

- Horse cleaning is a natural behaviour made by horses in natural pastures, where it was noticed that horses enjoy scrubbing their backs as a kind of strengthening the bonds between them, and from the scientific side, the process of cleaning horses has a great role in strengthening the bonds of friendship between man and horse, which makes it easy to raise, lead and communicate with them in addition to make the horse have fun.

  1. Check the safety instructions while handling the horses during cleaning and getting close to them.
  2. Be sure to set the ornamental halter and have a good leash (always).
  3. Tie the horse, and since the horse does not like to be tied it may cause a problem for the person cleaning it, so be sure that the horse has been trained before on that.
  4. There are some special nodes that are easily untied if an unusual behaviour was noticed from the horse.
  5. In case of horses feeling unsafe or fear, it is preferred to put a shield on the horses' neck and body to avoid injury.
  6. In case of horses feeling fear from the cleaning tools it is preferred to get the tools near them slowly and to smell them, that's normal behaviour by horses to check on things.
  7. Always be careful while moving and circling around horses or making high sounds near them , caution should be taken when an order is made for the horse violently or if it's forced to roll and rotate in an annoying manner.
  8. Do not make any quick movements, specifically in front of the horses' face.


  • Dry cleaning for horses ( without using water ) :
  1. Start by massaging the body of horses by a circular plastic hair brush , which helps to remove the weak hair , dead skin and dust lingering on the horse's body , it helps to stimulate the blood circulation of the horse's skin.
  2. Do not use this brush on the legs and parts where the bones stand out because they are painful.
  3. Use a clean wet sponge to clean the eyes and the nose.
  4. Use another sponge to clean the sensitive parts in the horse's body (genitals).
  5. Use the hairbrush or the same body brush to brush the tail, head, and neck hair.
  6. If noticed that the hair is too dry and have a lot of knots, it is better to use some hair products.
  7. Clean horse's hooves and remove obstacles.
  8. Clean the horse's head and legs with horse's soft brush.
  9. Use a towel with special product to polish your horse's skin, giving your horse's skin extra shine.



  • Cleaning horses with water ( showering ) :
  1. The use water especially at summer is fun to horses, especially that water removes sweat from the horse's body, which can cause skin infection if not removed.
  2. The shower is done twice a week. It is important not to use too much shampoo, because it causes the loss of the natural fat produced by the skin, leading to dry skin and Impairment of skin's immunity.
  3. Begin with moisturizing the entire body with enough water.
  4. It is preferred to prepare a bucket with water and shampoo especially to horses and clean sponge and then massage the horse gently and carefully, especially the head area.
  5. The horse is rinsed with water and special gloves or circular plastic hairbrush.
  6. The horse's head is rinsed with mild pressure water and with extreme caution, taking care not to enter water to the horse's ear.
  7. Rinse the genitals with caution.
  8. Water remains is removed from the horse body using a sweat Curette.
  9. As a final step, any knots of horse's hair is removed and preferable when the hair is dry to reduce the incidence of trichoclasia.

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